Argentina's currency notes will now feature Lionel Messi, the greatest footballer in history. His popularity among the public increased after he won the World Cup.
Lionel Messi is already a huge favorite in Argentina following Sunday's World Cup victory over France, their first victory in 36 years. The Argentines continue to celebrate.
It is believed that Argentina's Central Bank is thinking about printing a picture of Lionel Messi, the country's National Hero, on Currency Notes. But neither the Argentine government nor the Central Bank has confirmed or denied the note's existence.
Keep in mind that Argentina's team prevailed in the penalty shootout to win the Football World Cup final in Qatar by a score of 2-4.
The 35-year-old Lionel Messi won the title of player of the tournament because he not only scored seven goals during the mega event, but he also scored two goals and one goal on a penalty kick in crucial matches like the final. Granted the Brilliant Ball.